Start your job as a nurse in Italy

Nurses Italy

About Us

Following the health emergency linked to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Italian Government is temporarily employing foreigners in possession of the qualification of nurse in the national territory (until December 31, 2025).
Consorzio Benefit and Codess Sociale, with the collaboration of KairòsForma, offers specific training and a safe workplace in its structures present throughout the Italian territory.
We take it upon ourselves to ask the Government that the hours of service provided in Italy can be aimed at the definitive recognition of the qualification  *

The Companies

Consorzio Benefit

Impresa Benefit is a new and innovative Consortium of Social Cooperatives because it combines a field of infinite experience enriched by the expertise of a plurality of subjects that intervene in different territories and geographical regions,developing and designing integrated services aimed at individuals and communities.

The trans-regional experience is the distinctive element that characterizes and makes the Benefit Enterprise different from any other Consortium of Social Cooperatives present in Italy.

Codess Sociale

The company is distributed in 11 regions where it provides services for all age groups. From early childhood to old age, Codess Sociale seeks, with  mutually beneficial and non-profit aims, to promote social welfare, health and educational services for those who need them. Our employees support those in their care, putting themselves in their shoes, offering their skills to make difficulties something to be overcome, a memory to be left in the past, and creating awareness through which to live the future.


With more than 30 years of experience and many institutional collaborations, we support entrepreneurs and public administrators in the challenges of management and innovation, to develop, together, new opportunities for economic and social growth.

Nurses in Italy

The shortage of nursing staff has been known about since 2010 when people in the health and social care system raised the alarm. From this it can be deduced that the current pandemic has only seriously aggravated an already existing problem, thus bringing our country to a national shortage of about 63,000 nurses. Nursing homes  are particularly affected; restricted and suffering organic plants. In practice, while the EU countries have a ratio of about 1,000 nurses per 100,000 inhabitants, in Italy there are fewer than 600. According to the study center of Fnopi (National Federation of Nursing Professions Orders), the lack of nursing staff is felt in all regions: it goes from over 9,000 missing professionals in Lombardy, to almost 7,000 in Lazio, 6,300 in Campania, 5,700 in Sicily, 4,800 in Puglia, 4,500 in Veneto, 4,000 in Piedmont and 3,700 in Tuscany, just to mention the regions with the most significant numbers (data May 2021).
To aggravate the situation today, nurses have been needed in Covid departments (which involve greater intensity of treatment) and in the vaccination campaign. To this must be added the exodus of  professional nurses abandoning their “old” jobs to find placements in public companies that offer much more advantageous working conditions and wages. Thus the centers run by foundations and cooperatives are becoming impoverished. Facilities for the elderly and disabled have already been severely hit by infections in recent months. Now they also risk the side effects of the pandemic. Without nurses, who will take care of the guests?

This project, promoted by Consorzio Benefit, Codess Sociale and KaiòsForma, is aimed at providing a concrete and lasting answer to this question thanks to the possibility that the Italian Government has provided, on the initiative of the European Union, regarding the temporary recognition of the qualifications obtained abroad:

Decree-Law 31 December 2020, n. 183 – Art. 13 “Derogation from the rules on the recognition of professional health qualifications and citizenship for recruitment by the public administration.

Until 31 December 2025, notwithstanding articles 49 and 50 of the regulation referred to in the decree of the President of the Republic of 31 August 1999, n. 394, and to the provisions of the legislative decree 9 November 2007, n. 206, the temporary exercise of professional health qualifications and the qualification of socio-health workers is allowed to professionals who intend to exercise, independently or as an employee, in the national territory, also in private or accredited health facilities,  a health profession or the profession of social health worker based on a professional qualification obtained abroad regulated by specific European Union directives.
Interested parties submit an application, accompanied by a certificate of registration in the register of the country of origin, the regions and autonomous provinces, which can proceed with the temporary recruitment of these professionals pursuant to articles 2-bis and 2-ter of this decree.

For the same duration indicated in paragraph 1, hiring employees by the public administration as well as at authorized or accredited private health facilities, provided they are involved in the emergency from COVID-19, for the exercise of health professions and the qualification of operator socio-sanitary is allowed, notwithstanding article 38 of the legislative decree 30 March 2001, n. 165, to all citizens of countries not belonging to the European Union.

Become a nurse in Italy

After reading the requirements to become a nurse in Italy, click the button below and fill out the form with all the required data. 

*Currently the proposal consists of a fixed-term job regulated by law “Decreto-Legge 31 dicembre 2020, n. 183 – Art. 13” and law “Art. 27 del D.Lgs. 286“.

© Copyright 2023 – Consorzio Benefit & Codess Sociale

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